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The crucifix is already the highest grossing mass-market piece of merchandise sold worldwide in the history of mankind. So where does that leave us? I say our art. That is all that makes us worth being alive. It’s surely not what drives us to death. Each artist is a duality. On one hand he has human feelings and on the other he is an impersonal machine or process. But you cannot understand his psyche; you can only understand his creative achievements. I am a vehicle. An artist cannot be expected to interpret what he does for us. It must change us and in the change, we become the interpretation. The answer.
There is a thin line between psychosis and creation. Who’s to say madness isn’t pure enlightenment?
Everything you do is part of a plane plummeting towards our pitiful, dying earth. But your art, what you create is stepping onto the burning wing and forgetting silly things like life and death for a moment. Just to enjoy for one second a glimpse of beauty before you are reduced to ashes.