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A (feltételezett) japán koncertkiadványt nem a Live In Japan videóval kevertem, valószínűleg egy négyzet alakú fotót néztem CD-borítónak. :-))) (Kb. 10 percig nézegettem a könyvet a Wave-ben, amíg a WMS megérkezésére vártam.) A videón kiadott buli éjszakáján kattant be Andy, ha jól tudom...
A Live In Los Angeles cím viszont biztosan szerepelt az Elektra oldalán. Még utánanézek, bár szerintem is tévedés lehet.

A könyvtárak tevékenysége (remélhetôleg) authorized, avagy jogtiszta.

zann > Kissé alulinformált vagy, ezért bemásolok ide néhány szöveg- és interjúrészletet. (Woodpaul egyébként nem David Gahan-rôl, hanem Martin Gore-ról ír, de ez már OFF.)

Forrás:Chain Of Flowersa

"- Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails, who is a Cure fan, said he would like to
take part in Robert's hypothetical solo album."

"I.: Would you give any advice to bands that seem to be following The Cure's
musical direction, such as NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson or Rob

R.S.: It's strange that you've mentioned those 4 people, because I know 3 of
them. In fact, Billy Corgan is the only one, or one of the few people in the music
business, whom I get along well with, though we don't agree in much of what
we talk about. I would almost say that we are in total disagreement, but we get
along well anyway. He came to Chicago to watch us play at the beginning of
this year. We went out, and we couldn't agree in the whole night. We discussed
about everything, from the music business to the world in general. We have
totally different points of view and even though, we get along well with each
other. Because there is something we share, something of one of us that the
other one likes. Actually, I like what he's done with Smashing Pumpkins; I think
it's quite good. And it's the same with NIN, and with Trent Reznor… I really think
that there are people who are making a kind of music that reflects the way they
feel. And people who are making this kind of music, as they are, don't need any
advice. They are people who are making music without copying it, and I don't
think they are looking for any advice. On the other hand, it's always been very
flattering to me to hear that other musicians say I've been some influence for
them. I usually like those bands, so it's mutual. It's very unusual that someone
admits to having been influenced by The Cure and I don't like that band.

I.: Even Jonathan Davis, from Korn, has declared he loves gothic music, the
80's dark. And, obviously, The Cure.

R.S.: That is really weird… but there are some of the new metal musicians that
admit part of The Cure's stuff as an influence. I can understand it thinking of
records like 'Pornography', for instance, where there are a couple of moments
of heavy distortion."

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