manhattan Creative Commons License 2000.09.05 0 0 43

There are 3 choices left:
1. a topic whithout any message. It does not make any sense.
2. a profound analysis about the english grammar. Who cares?
3. let us rather create a "Daily News" with the Hungarian Public Opinion: an early bird assigns the news of the day and the others react to that during the day. F.e.: the news of the day on 5 Sept 2000:
" Verhaugen suggest that a referenda should be held in Germany about approving the joining of East Europe to the EU."
And now the Hungarian Public Opinion which can be read all over the world:

I condemn this discrimination and I would be happy if Mr Verhaugen were removed immediately from his position. He should work about a quick enlargement which makes an end to the historical separation of the continent.
And I don´t remember that Hungarian citizens ever had the idea to hold a referenda about allowing the rejoining of the splitted Germany 10 years ago. Or about letting out the East-Gremans to the West.