Ezt tegnap találtam a Volvo honlapján:
"Volvo recently scored as the number one car brand in the American research company Strategic Vision's latest rating of "value for money".
Strategic Vision's study, The Total Value Index™, measures how new-vehicle buyers rate short- and long-term economic issues against the quality they see in the whole experience of owning their vehicles. In other words, did they get value for money?
The Total Value Index™ has a possible score of 1 000, which represents customers' ideal. Volvo (750), which was the leading car brand, was followed by BMW (748), Saturn (747), Volkswagen (747) and Lexus (745).
"It is reassuring to once again see how our US customers praise our products and services. To us, this is the most important receipt of the success of our efforts. Satisfying customer needs and expectations is the key issue for continued growth and profitability of our company", says Ola Lindwall, acting head of Volvo Car Corporations quality department.
The Total Value Index™ is calculated from the responses of more than 47,000 buyers who purchased their car during the period January through March 1999 and had owned their new vehicles for at least 90 days.
Earlier this year, Volvo S80 (922) was voted the overall winner in Strategic Vision's 1999 Total Quality Award™."
Szóval ez kb. annyit tesz magyarul, hogy 47.000 megkérdezett közül a Volvo tulajdonosok érezték leginkább úgy, hogy igazi értéket kapnak a pénzükért. 1000 pontból a Volvo, mint márka érte el a legtöbbet, (750-et,) megelôzve a BMW-t, a VW-t meg a Lexust. Ebben benne foglaltatik az S40 / V40 is, mivel már egy ideje kapható a tengerentúlon is!
Az egyéni kategóriában az S80-as lett a gyôztes, 922 ponttal...