Milyen erdekes, hogy a sok Metoos celeb es politikus aki azonnal mindent elhitt es nyomta a no jogokat,
Most meg mar saját cégének mocskos anyagi reklámozására használta fel egy zakalatasrol (!) szóló szerepet Deadpoolné, aztán amikor a kommentelőknek ez a szívtelenség jogosan nem tetszett azonnal rájött hogy jaj őt zaklattak a forgatás alatt!
ezt az uber libsi huffington is megirta!
You would think the focal point of the press run would discuss the effects of abuse and how the cast and crew wanted the film to show how complicated narratives of domestic violence can be. (HuffPost senior reporter Elyse Wanshel also covered some of the backlash earlier this week.) Instead, Lively promoted her outside endeavors and seemed pretty flippant or downright avoidant when it came to homing in on how her character navigates abuse. She talked about her newly launched hair care line and tried to have lighthearted conversations with interviewers.
In a viral clip, a reporter asked Lively how someone should go about approaching her to get advice about how to deal with issues of domestic violence. Her answer was pretty distasteful. She easily could have recommended some organizations that help survivors of domestic violence if she personally couldn’t offer help. Instead, she decided to be cheeky and responded by flipping the question with a question to the interviewer.
- “Like, ask for my phone number, or a location share?” she said before continuing and mentioning Virgo traits.