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Iron Maiden - Brave New World (EMI)
Man, have I been curious to listen to this record, I couldn't wait for the day to hear Maiden's new stuff. I'm listening to Maiden since I'm 12 years old, that are more than 16 years now, that should explain how much I have been expecting it...
Then the first single "The Wicker Man" was in my mail and I got very, very disappointed, after listening to it I found it a third class song and not what I have expected after reading so many good things about it.
Meanwhile I like this song better, but to me it's definitely the weakest track on this album.
Many other zines have written that this would be the best Maiden record since "Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son", which is right. But it doesn't continue where "Seventh..." ended. Maiden in the year 2000 have made it to combine their old trademarks with the style they developed during the time with Blaze Bailey. Bruce Dickinsin is definitely much more able to push a weaker song than Mister Bailey. But let's stop to run Blaze down, he should have our respect for being so brave to try to fill the hole Bruce had left!
"Brave New World" is much more positive than "Virtual XI" and there are also some hits on it. And the best of all: Bruce Dickinson is still the best Metal singer...
Well, this is a good album, but not what some people have written in their ecstacy having Maiden back. You definitely have to check this one out, but I think I don't have to tell you that when you're a Maiden fan, right? ;)

Hátha valakit érdekel. A CD-pincében 2590 forintért meg lehet venni a multimédiás Maiden újrakiadásokat. Már nincs az összes, de többség kapható. Azér elotte érdemes telefonon érdeklodni.