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100% Lebensraum.


(Lebensraum is a German term that translates to "living space" and refers to the idea that a state needs to expand its territory to thrive. The concept was central to Nazi ideology and was used to justify military conquests and racial policies.  The term was coined by German geographer Friedrich Ratzel in his 1901 essay, "Lebensraum: a biogeographical study". Ratzel's theory was that species, including humans, develop primarily in response to their environment, and that migration is a natural way for species to adapt and spread.  Adolf Hitler adopted the concept of Lebensraum and believed that Germany needed living space in the east, particularly from Russia, to survive. Hitler's pursuit of Lebensraum was a driving force behind his territorial expansion and his desire to reunify the German people. The German invasion of Poland in 1939 marked the beginning of the Nazi quest for Lebensraum and World War II in Europe.  The idea of Lebensraum continues to be relevant in some contemporary debates, particularly around global biodiversity conservation. Some scholars argue that current efforts to reform conservation governance at a global scale are a form of "conservation Lebensraum". )

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