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HOME-on (dm fórum) kisegítettek:


"He was chosen because of his work with Björk (pre- and post-Exciter) and obviously because of his involvement with LFO, who in turn remixed Home and Lie To Me."


És valóban, a Home (LFO Meant To Be) remixet Mark Bell és Gerard Varley jegyzi 1997-ből.


Valamint Malins DM könyvéből egy részlet:


Daniel Miller naturally was selected to make the phone call to Bell, as the LFO founder recounts: 'Daniel first contacted me in the second half of May 2000 and asked if I was interested in working on the new Depeche Mode album. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was really excited.

I've always loved their stuff. I met everyone about a week later. We all went to a restaurant and just had a laugh, really. We decided to start as soon as possible.'


'He's just so good with sounds,' enthuses Gore. 'He can visualise sounds in his head. He goes to a keyboard, and he creates that sound. It's not even just about the keyboard sound - it's the whole vision of the song. I just can't do that. I really have to test something out. If it works, keep it in; if it doesn't, take it out.'

Előzmény: Amphicoelias (10313)