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'Wonderful' is a vigorous cultivar which was originally identified as a cutting in Florida in the late 1800s. It is noted for having exceptionally large fruit with a superb tangy flavor. This is the cultivar that is most commonly grown commercially for sale in grocery stores. Plants mature to 20' tall, but may easily be pruned shorter. Showy, trumpet-shaped, light red summer flowers give rise to red oblate fruit (5-6" diameter but often the size of a softball) with juicy, deep red pulp.
Species plants require dry, somewhat arid conditions with high temperatures (90°F+) in order to produce fruit. Species plants will not produce any fruit when grown in areas such as St. Louis (although some cultivars such as ‘Nana’ may fruit). Deer tend to avoid this plant. Potential disease problems include leaf spots, fruit blotch and rots. Potential insect problems include scale, stem borers, caterpillars, whitefly and mealybugs. |