Ulrich_von_Lichtenstein Creative Commons License 2024.10.17 0 1 611

"Earlier, Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, said the bill was “dangerous” and that in “every other place where it’s been done, [it] has led to a slippery slope”.


Leadbeater said such concerns would be invalid with the right legislation. “We’ve got the benefit in this country of looking at what other countries have done. And I’m very clear, based on what I’ve seen so far and the research that I’ve done, that if we get this right from the start, which some places have done, places like Oregon and certain states in Australia, we have very strict criteria, then those jurisdictions do not broaden out the criteria,” she told ITV’s Good Morning Britain."


A szokásos csúszós lejtő "érvelés" :-((

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A közvélekedés:

"A poll of more than 7,000 people this month found that almost three-quarters agreed that adults “who are intolerably suffering from an incurable condition and who wish to end their lives” should be allowed medical help to do so."

Előzmény: Ulrich_von_Lichtenstein (610)