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Az igaz komédia az volt hogy a  Mussolinista jelképeket használó Máltai part elnöke szólal fel a Mussolini/Faszista ellenes dal éneklése ellen.


  • (Maltese: Partit Nazzjonalista, PN)  :  The party openly sided with General Franco's Nationalist army in the Spanish Civil War. This is still seen by the historical iconography that stayed on the party, including the proto-Fascist imagery of the party logo is a shield set against a black background (black being the heraldic colour chosen by Mussolini, as evidenced by his "Blackshirts"), the PN's official anthem, which is still sung during mass meetings, being similar to the official anthem of Mussolini's Fascist party, "La Giovinezza", and also the name of the party itself, which in itself includes the term nazionale for the first time, which was inspired by Italian nationalism
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