Ulrich_von_Lichtenstein Creative Commons License 2024.10.04 0 0 571

Nagyon kíváncsi vagyok, hogy mi lesz ennek az angol törvényjavaslatnak a kifutása.


"Today, somebody with a terminal condition and very little time left has only bad options. They can suffer in misery and often in great pain as their illness takes their life and dignity from them; travel to Switzerland – usually alone – if they are wealthy enough to pay for it; or take matters into their own hands, as Lisa did, and leave their loved ones to pick up the pieces without being able to say a proper goodbye. When people are already struggling with so much pain, trauma and grief, that simply cannot be right. My bill would offer people like Lisa the comfort of knowing they have a choice over what happens to them – a choice that is not only more just and humane, but also protects everybody involved, whatever decision the patient comes to."

