Azoknak, akik nem értenek Robertül, ezt mondta a videóban :
I remember, I rediscovered a poem by Ernest Dowson. It's called Dregs. I've got a book and I jot down over the years things that I think are interesting. Some of it's couplets, some of it's rhymes, some of it's words. I look this word up. It's not a journal. It's a lot of this gobbledygook. It's like the gobbledygook is with me and there's more than one book. I'm outside in the dark actually like and, you know, scribbling in most of it's legible to be honest and a lot of...
It's just junk but occasionally I'll turn a page there'll be something and I think: oh that's great! And I'd actually transcribe this poem
I don't know when, and I was struggling to find the right imagery for the opening song for Alone, and I had some of the stuff in it, and I kind of knew what I wanted, and this poem, the opening line, I thought, that's it. So I didn't nick it, I was inspired by it, because it was in the back of my mind, I was thinking, I've read this somewhere, that every song we sing, we're alone, ultimately we're alone. However I was writing it, it wasn't poetic, and suddenly I discovered this, and I thought, that's it. That was a moment, because I knew what the song was supposed to be about.