peli_w Creative Commons License 2024.08.01 0 2 421907

A kettő keveréke lesz. Sorsolás, de nem 1-4 és 5-8, hanem 1-2 vs 7-8 és 3-4 vs 5-6. És azonos csoportból nem kaphat ellenfelet. Szóval USA biztosan csoportharmadikat fog kapni és nem a szerbeket/Szudánt.


The qualified teams shall be divided into four pots. The cumulative ranking between the three groups, established according to the FIBA Official Basketball Rules, Chapter D - Classification of Teams, will assign positions from 1st to 8th place to the eight teams qualified for the Quarter-Finals.

Pot D shall consist of the two-best-ranked teams, Pot E of the 3rd and 4th ranked teams, Pot F of the 5th and 6th ranked teams and Pot G of the 7th and 8th ranked teams.

The teams from Pot D will be drawn against the teams from Pot G and the teams from Pot E will be drawn against the teams from Pot F.

Teams from the same group in the Group Phase cannot be drawn against each other in the Quarter-Finals.

Előzmény: peli_w (421906)