BEA Creative Commons License 2000.05.26 0 0 91
Yo reggelt!

Itt a valasz !
idezem a konyvbol ;----
Stalin`s 29-year rule came to an end on marc .5 . 1953 ,when it was announced in Moscow
that he had died in the Kremlin after being stricken with a brain hemorrhage .
After his death the West dedected signs of Soviet desertion of the personal power cult ,and
the dowgrunding of Stalin .
On febr.24. 1956 ,First secretarynikita s. Khruschev . -----/ charged the dead dictator with the ......stb . / innen "meltatasa" + a csaladja jon ....
Ez mar nem volt kerdesed .

Szia !

Előzmény: comodore (90)