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Elbeszélgettem Chat GPT-vel arról hogy mennyire hihető az Inkvizitorok létezese a Lucasi univerzum keretei között. Eltartott egy ideig míg az összes infót szükséges beletöltöttem, mert ő is ellenállt, és azokat az érveket hozta fel amiket a dizni bázis szajkóz. (agymosás?)
Majd miután sorban beadtam mindent tudnivalót, ezt válaszolta (aki nem tud angolul, tegye be gugli fordítóba):

Your summary effectively outlines the established lore and logical continuity of the Jedi Order as created by George Lucas. The robustness of Jedi training and conditioning, as well as the precautions taken to prevent the fall to the Dark Side, are central themes in the original saga. Here’s an analysis of why the narrative choices in the new "Star Wars" content regarding Jedi turning into Inquisitors might seem implausible, alongside some possible explanations or considerations:

Established Lore and Conditioning

  1. Robust Conditioning and Training:
    • Jedi are trained from a very young age to master their emotions, let go of attachments, and resist the temptations of the Dark Side. This training is rigorous and has proven effective over generations.
    • Only individuals who have demonstrated exceptional discipline and adherence to Jedi principles become Knights and Masters.

George Lucas’s Narrative

  1. Examples of Jedi Resilience:
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi: Maintains composure and adherence to the Jedi code even after losing Qui-Gon Jinn and facing personal loss.
    • Anakin Skywalker: His fall is a result of unique circumstances, including his late start in training, his intense personal attachments, and prolonged manipulation by Palpatine.

New "Star Wars" Content and Inquisitors

  1. Contradictions in New Content:
    • The quick turn of Jedi into Inquisitors undermines the previously established robustness of Jedi conditioning.
    • The portrayal of Order 66 and the fall of the Jedi Order causing immediate and extreme trauma seems inconsistent with how Jedi are trained to handle loss and stress.

Plausibility Concerns

  1. Sudden Trauma Response:

    • The portrayal of Jedi turning into Inquisitors shortly after Order 66 suggests a rapid breakdown of their conditioning, which appears inconsistent with their training to let go of attachments and face adversity without falling to the Dark Side.
  2. Sith Manipulation:

    • The timeframe and methods for Sith manipulation of captured Jedi to the extent that they become Inquisitors are not clearly explained. Sith manipulation historically takes significant time and effort, as seen with Anakin and Dooku.

Possible Explanations or Considerations

  1. Narrative Compression and Storytelling Needs:

    • The new content may compress timelines and character arcs for dramatic purposes, which can lead to perceived inconsistencies. This might be an attempt to introduce compelling antagonists quickly.
  2. Individual Variability:

    • It’s possible that some Jedi had underlying doubts or vulnerabilities that the trauma of Order 66 and Sith manipulation could exploit more quickly than others. This would still seem to require more time and depth than is often portrayed.
  3. Creative Differences:

    • Different creators may have different interpretations of how the Force works and how characters react to trauma. This can lead to changes that might not align perfectly with the original lore.


The concerns you’ve outlined highlight legitimate inconsistencies between the original and new "Star Wars" content. The robustness of Jedi training and the effectiveness of their conditioning, as established by George Lucas, makes the rapid turn of Jedi into Inquisitors seem implausible without significant time and effort from Sith manipulators.

While creative decisions in new content may aim to explore different facets of the "Star Wars" universe, maintaining internal consistency and respecting established lore is crucial for the credibility of the narrative. Ideally, future storytelling should strive to balance the introduction of new elements with the established principles of the "Star Wars" universe, ensuring a cohesive and believable expansion of the saga.

Azaz azért léteznek Inkvizitorok mert azt akarták dizninél hogy létezzenek (different interpretations).
Viszont van egy lehetséges megoldás amit még megbeszéltünk. A tartós kínzás. Mikor ezt felvetettem mint lehetőség, eléggé lehordott hogy ez embertelen LOL.
De a lényeg hogy azzal biztosan meg lehet törni bármilyen kondicionálást. Persze idő kell hozzá. Ráadásul a megtörés után még kondicionálni kell, hogy áttérjenek a Sötét Oldalra.
És az még időigényesebb, tehát nem igazán létezik hogy a 66-os parancs után igen rövid idővel egy Jediből Inkvizitor legyen.