paulinamartinez Creative Commons License 2000.05.25 0 0 1035
If your Messenger is unable to connect, here's what to try first:

- Pull down the Messenger's "edit" menu
- Click on "preferences", then click on the "connection" tab
- Click on "no network detection" (so that there is a dot in the circle next to it), then hit the ok button at the bottom.
- The Messenger will ask you if you want to try to log on with your new proxy settings. Click on the "yes" button.
- This will bring up the screen where you enter your Yahoo! ID and password. If the ID and password are not there already, enter them, then hit the "login" button.

If this doesn't work, try this:
- Pull down the Messenger's "edit" menu
- Click on "preferences", then click on the "connection" tab
- Click on "Firewall with no proxies", then hit the ok button at the bottom.
- The Messenger will ask you if you want to try to log on with your new proxy settings. Click on the "yes" button.
- This will bring up the screen where you enter your Yahoo! ID and password. If the ID and password are not there already, enter them, then hit the "login" button.

próba cseresznye!!!!