Őrült kacsa a zebrán Creative Commons License 2024.05.06 0 0 2045



1. Matmos - FX 01:48
2. Ruins - Reversible Sabbath 02:34
3. Grails - Black Sabbath 04:15
4. Four Tet - Iron Man 04:14
5. Curtis Harvey Trio - Changes 03:48
6. Paul Newman - Fairies Wear Boots 05:39
7. The Anomoanon - Planet Caravan 06:53
8. Racebannon - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath 06:53
9. Greenness w/ Philly G - Sweet Leaf 04:20

Back in 1997, we at Temporary Residence Ltd. had a novel idea: compile a Black Sabbath tribute album with experimental rock, folk, and electronic bands reinterpreting classic Ozzy-era Sabbath tunes. At the time it seemed like a unique idea, since such tributes were then executed primarily by washed-up glam bands or tired hardcore groups cheekily cashing in on nostalgic quasi-irony. Much has changed over the last eight years, of course. Black Sabbath did the unthinkable by reuniting ­ and has since done so three times. Ozzy Osbourne became a household name with his startlingly popular MTV-produced reality show; to top it off, his children have become omnipresent pop culture irritants; in short, much of the world is ready for a break from the Osbourne clan. It is under these auspices, fittingly, that we proudly present the long-delayed Everything Comes & Goes, a tribute to the ultimate stoner-rock band.