wildcow Creative Commons License 2024.05.02 0 1 51056

Hallgatom a visszatekintő műsort, nagyon jókat mond az albumról mindenki.

Addig is, amíg valaki felteszi majd az egészet valahova, csináltam egy leiratot arról, amit Lol Tolhurst mondott. Remélem jól hallottam amit mondott. 


So Disintegration was really for me certainly the last album of The Cure that I was part of, and also for me I think it feels like the last album of that particular era of The Cure. 

In lots of ways, all of the Cure's records were really especially in the early days, like our diaries,  you know, what we wrote about, what we played about was really what was happening to us and nothing can be for true about Disintegration for me, because it was a particularly low point in my life and so the title was pretty apt.

 35 years after the release of Disintegration my life is quite different than it was back then. 180 degrees different in fact.

I think on reflection I look at the Disintegration as sort of pivotal album it was definitely the end of an era but it was also the heralding of a different type of life for me, personally. And so that's really the sort of mark with inspired for me in my life. I think everybody has time's in their life where things need to change radically and that's what happened for me and so for that I'm very grateful.