zombieball Creative Commons License 2000.05.08 0 0 73
a Lone Gunmen az a 3 laza akik Muldernek szoktak segíteni, (pl. a Készülj a halálra epizódban) Frohike, Byers és Langly ha jól emlékszem. A sorozatról ennyit tudok:

HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Fox Broadcasting Co. has greenlit a drama pilot for an "X-Files" spinoff based on the Lone Gunmen characters seen from time to time on the series.

The new show will likely feature the actors who play the paranoid characters now seen on "X Files," though no deal has been completed.
"X-Files" creator Chris Carter is on board to produce the pilot for next season.

The "Gunmen" deal is unrelated to talks regarding another season of "X-Files." An outcome on those negotiations is expected in the next few

Előzmény: Valiant (72)