Az American Heritage Dictionary-ból idéznék, ha nem zavarnám az eszmefuttatást.
"Middle English, from Old French juste, from juster, to joust, from Vulgar Latin *iuxtłre, to be next to, from Latin iuxtł, close by. See yeug- below.] --joust“er n.
yewes-. Important derivatives are: jurist, jury1, conjure, injury, perjure, judge, prejudice, just1. .
yewes-. Law. 1. JURAL, JURIST, JURY1; ABJURE, ADJURE, CONJURE, INJURY, JURIDICAL, JURISCONSULT, JURISDICTION, JURISPRUDENCE, (NONJUROR), OBJURGATE, PERJURE, from Latin iżs (stem iżr-), law, and its derivative iżrłre, “to pronounce a ritual formula,” swear. 2. Compound form *yewes-dik-, “one who shows or pronounces the law.” (see deik-)
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