wildcow Creative Commons License 2023.11.30 0 0 50821

Ez az email tegnap ment ki azoknak, akik jegyet vettek a Santiago (Chile), november 30.-i, ma esti koncertre. 

 Elég stresszes, hogy majdnem az összes LatAm helyszínen változás van, és több országban is vissza kell váltani a jegyeket, majd újra megvenni. 


importante para The Cure "Shows Of a Lost World"


Due to venue configuration reasons, the location of your ticket will have to be modified. You don't have to worry, the date remains the same and the general conditions of your ticket remain the same. If your purchase consists of more than one ticket, we will make sure that everyone sits together and can enjoy the show as planned and they can enjoy the show just as they planned.

From November 29th you will be able to access and download the new ticket with the updated information, you just have to go to the "My Tickets" section in your Ticketmaster.cl account.