Ajanlani tudom mindenkinek ezt ^ a legujabb UN-Watch beszamolot most november 5.-röl, ebböl kiderül hogy a palesztin közelkeleti menekültekkel es emberekkel a West
Bankon es a Gazastreifenben foglalkozo UN/ENSZ UNRWA szervezetnek nem keves munkatarsa terrort-terrorizmust tamogat.
Ez csak egy kis reszlet 1. old-rol >
This report shows that as soon as news of the horrific slaughter broke, which was livestreamed on social media by some of the terrorists, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff immediately celebrated and justified it on Facebook.
- UNRWA Gaza teacher Osama Ahmed posted “Allah is Great, Allah is Great, reality surpasses our wildest dreams.”
- UNRWA principal Iman Hassan justified the massacre as “restoring rights” and “redressing” Palestinian “grievances.”
- Rawia Helles, Director of the Khan Younis Training Center and featured in an UNRWA video, glorified one of the terrorists as a “hero,” “raider,” and “prince of Khan Younis.”
- English Teacher Asmaa Rafiq Kuheil excitedly called to “sculpture the date” adding a heart emoji.
- School Administrator Hmada Ahmed posted “welcome the great October.”
Since 2015, UN Watch has documented over 150 Facebook profiles of UNRWA staff that contain incitement to antisemitism and terrorism, including the 20 new examples in this report. Ten of these new examples are UNRWA staff who joyfully celebrated and endorsed Hamas’s horrific October 7th massacre.
UNRWA’s consistent response to our research has been to downplay the problem and disparage our human rights organization. In reaction to our March 14, 2023 joint report with IMPACT-se, UNRWA quickly issued a statement reiterating that UNRWA has a “zero-tolerance position towards hatred and the promotion of violence.” At the same time, the UN agency accused us of “sensationalizing” and “overstating” the problem.
3 Yet, the fact that we continue to find Facebook posts by UNRWA staff that incite antisemitism and terrorism notwithstanding UNRWA’s repeated claims of “zero-tolerance” indicates the opposite—that racism and support for terrorism are widespread among UNRWA staff.
UN Watch has repeatedly made clear that the Facebook posts are merely a symptom of a much larger, systemic problem—the fact that UNRWA hires antisemitic and terrorist supporting staff in the first place, including some 20,000 teachers.