1. Not all Huns immediately left the Pannonian Basin, yet only Middle Danube.[18] Some Huns remained in Dacia Ripensis i.e. Lower Danube, Moesia and Thrace.[17]
2. igen. az avarok vezetése alá kerültek azok a hunok is, meg más hunok (saragurok, utigurok...) ...ez már régóta nyilvánvaló, pl. az avarok legalább kétfajta embertípusú népéből, ezen értetlenkedett a "szakértő" brigád a 670-es ún.kettős honfoglalás kapcsán
(ha tolmácsok útján beszéltek, akkor úgy valószínű h bizánci hun tolmácsok útján... azt a logikát nem értem, h a görögül tudó hun megtanul még avarul is rövid idő alatt... de lehet)
3. lásd 1. + Ellákkal nem ért véget, utána Dengizik volt a trónörökös
He succeeded his older brother Ellac in 454 AD, and probably ruled simultaneously over the Huns in dual kingship with his brother Ernak, but separate divisions in separate lands.[1]
But the Sauromatae, whom we call Sarmatians, and the Cemandri and certain of the Huns dwelt in Castra Martis, a city given them in the region of Illyricum. Of this race was Blivila, Duke of Pentapolis, and his brother Froila and also Bessa, a Patrician in our time. The Sciri, moreover, and the Sadagarii and certain of the Alani with their leader, Candac by name, received Scythia Minor and Lower Moesia. (266) Paria, the father of my father Alanoviiamuth (that is to say, my grandfather), was secretary to this Candac as long as he lived. To his sister's son Gunthigis, also called Baza, the Master of the Soldiery, who was the son of Andag the son of Andela, who was descended from the stock of the Amali, I also, Jordanes, although an unlearned man before my conversion, was secretary. The Rugi, however, and some other races asked that they might inhabit Bizye and Arcadiopolis. Hernac, the younger son of Attila, with his followers, chose a home in the most distant part of Lesser Scythia. Emnetzur and Ultzindur, kinsmen of his, won Oescus and Utus and Almus in Dacia on the bank of the Danube, and many of the Huns, then swarming everywhere, betook themselves into Romania, and from them the Sacromontisi and the Fossatisii of this day are said to be descended.