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Találtam egy nagyon jó cikket arról, hogy Einstein  ekvivalencia tétele (áltrel alaptétele) tök rossz.




"Equivalency's Fallacy



Kenneth Gonder


(Gonder, viXra, Equivalency's Fallacy O1A 10a.pdf)


Abstract Einstein asserts a "principle of equivalence" from his inference that inertial mass is no different from gravitational mass. This has him concluding that acceleration/braking and rotation actually create gravity that's the same as natural, mass-created gravity. But just a cursory comparison quickly reveals they're not even close to being similar, let alone equivalent. Equivalency's explicit fallacy is not insignificant. It poses a serious challenge to relativity and the big bang, threatening to invalidate both in their entirety. ...




Előzmény: szuperfizikus (118)