persze végül is mindegy, már ország-világ tudja, hogy tudatosan, szándékosan hazudoztak.
Semmi mast nem csináltak mint amit a DEMI média csinal mar egy évtizede!
A CNN-s pisi-tape ügy meg említve sincs...Pedig azt annyira nyomtak, hogy meg a híres Alien/Blade Runner filmrendező (!!!) bele is írt a TV sorozatába!
Did everyone on the Left forget about legacy media's ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ or Covington Catholic lies?
Washington Examiner
Christopher Tremoglie 1 day ago
Has everyone forgotten when CNN advanced the lie known as “Hands up, don’t shoot?” It was a motto many falsely claimed that Michael Brown said before police officer Darren Wilson shot him. It led to numerous riots throughout the country, destroying many communities and minority-owned small businesses. It caused millions of dollars in damages. Who can forget the famous shot of female CNN panelists sitting at their desks with their “hands up” in misguided solidarity with someone who was ultimately found to have assaulted a police officer? “Hands up, don’t shoot” became a staple of left-wing politics in 2014, all predicated on a lie.
Have we all forgotten about the incident involving Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann? In this case, nearly every legacy media network, talk show host, entertainer, and left-wing “influencer” vilified a teenager as a racist and white supremacist all because he did nothing but smile as he was harassed and confronted by nonwhite protesters at a rally held by the Lincoln Memorial in 2019.
Yet, if anyone listened to the legacy media at the time, one would think Sandmann was the second coming of the Ku Klux Klan. All the media coverage incorrectly portrayed Sandmann as an agitator when he was the victim. The media advanced a lie because it fit their preferred narrative, not the truth.
let’s not act like what Fox did is very different from what left-wing networks do relatively regularly.