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"For since the quantity of matter in the Sun, is to the quantity of matter in Jupiter, as 1067 to  1: and the distance of Jupiter from the Sun, is to the semidiameter of the Sun, in a proportion but a small matter greater; the common centre of gravity of Jupiter and the Sun, will upon a point a little whitout the surface of the Sun.


And  therefore,  since  that  centre  of  gravity  is  in perpetual  rest,  the  Sun,  according  to  the  various  positions  of  the  Planets,  must  perpetually  be  moved  every way,  but  will never  recede  far  from  that  centre."

Isaac Newton The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (232-233)

pedig ez a heliocentrikus világkép, hát képzeld hogyan változhat ez pillanatról-pillanatra ma!



Előzmény: szuperfizikus (7652)