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Saturday 3th June 2000
Nijmegen - Festivalground Goffertpark - The Netherlands
Price each ticket 42,44 Euro incl. commission fees.
Bands: IRON MAIDEN - Korn - SUICIDAL TENDENCIES - Slipknot - Sentenced -
Spiritual Beggars - Engine - Kittie - Zeke -The Kovenant - Helfort - Mayhem - more to follow...
No camping facilities.
Friday August 4th & Saturday August 5th 2000
Norderstraße - Festivalground - Germany
2 - Dayticket 42,44 Euro incl. commission fees
Bands: THIN LIZZY - VENOM - Cradle Of Filth - DORO - Nightwish - ICED
EARTH - ANGEL WITCH - Ancient - ARMORED SAINT - Artillery -
Breaker - Dark Age - Dark At Dawn - Deranged - Engine - Freedom Call -
Gamma Ray - Grim Reaper - Hades - Heir Apparent -Hypocrisy - Immolation
- Jacob's Dream - Knorkator - Labyrinth - Late Nite Romeo - LIEGE LORD -
LIZZY BORDEN - Lock Up - Marduk -Oktober 31 - OVERKILL - Pain - Pink
Cream 69 - PRAYING MANTIS - Queen Chantal - ROYAL HUNT - SAMSON - Savage
- SENETENCED -Skew Siskin - Solstice - Steel Attack - Squealer - Tom
Angelripper - Twisted Tower Dire - Vader - Witchfynde |