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"házasság megkötését ünnepli egy család, a bor központi szerepet kap a szertartásban"


The Talmud indicates that drinking to the accompaniment of musical instruments on

festive occasions such as a wedding was forbidden.3 The latter is confirmed by later

testimonies of rabbis. For example, Rabbi S. M. Isaac, an eminent nineteenth-century

rabbi and editor of The Jewish Messenger, says: "The Jews do not, in their feasts for

sacred purposes, including the marriage feast, ever use any kind of fermented drinks. In

their oblations and libations, both private and public, they employ the fruit of the vine-that

is, fresh grapes-unfermented grape-juice, and raisins, as the symbol of benediction.

Fermentation is to them always a symbol of corruption"...

Előzmény: Zellem Estelen (12955)