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"During the breeding process of apricots in the Horticultural faculty in Lednice we searched for donors of resistance against sharka disease caused by Plum pox virus (PPV). As donors of resistance to PPV for crossing were chosen cultivars as 'Stark Early Orange', 'Orange red', 'Harlayne', 'Henderson', 'Goldrich', 'Mari de Cenad', 'Alfred'. Four apricot cultivars have been bred and forwarded for registration and legal protection of cultivars. These are: an early cultivar - 'Adriana' with very good fruit flavors and attractive appearance; other two cultivars ripened in the period of the Hungarian 'Best' were named 'Betinka' - with very attractive appearance, dark red blush and firm flesh, 'Candela' - with a very upright habit and good fruit flavor, and another one 'Sophia' - with attractive appearance of the fruits and reliable fruitfulness. At the same time this work contributes to increase the stock of sharka resistant and high quality fruit cultivars in the range of valuable market criteria." |