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"MFT meg nem töredezik"
Erre csak idézni tudok: "As the MFT expands, it may also fragment across the disk"
Forrás: itt
"As time passes,more and more Windows NT users are running into problems because their Master File Tables (MFTs) are fragmenting. This is because the MFT is used for every disk I/O. While much of the MFT can be cached so that an actual disk I/O does not have to be done every time a
file is used, it is still true that, on most systems, the MFT is accessed more than any other file. This means that MFT fragmentation is likely to have more impact on the system than fragmentation of any other single file. The worst cases occur on partitions that were converted from FAT to NTFS, because the conversion process usually fragments the MFT as it is created."
Forrás + megoldásféle: itt
Ez nem szőrszálhasogatás. Az MFT fragmentálódása elég durván visszaveti a (file)rendszer teljesítményét, és ami rosszabb, hogy az MFT-t nem lehet defragolni. Néha érdemes lehet az egész partíciót egy új, frissen formázott partícióra áttenni.
Előzmény: netizen (110)