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Jujuj, csak most látom mekkora lett az előző hozzászólásom. Na mindegy.
A filmmel kapcsolatban:
Gillian feels that the powers-that-be won't call her bluff, because neither she nor David want to continue the series. However, both are interested in the continuation of the X-Files movie franchise, following the success of its first spin-off film in 1998.
When asked about a second movie, Carter answered,
"There will be a second X-Files movie as far as I am concerned. But it won’t be on this summer’s hiatus. It seems like the actors are very excited to do it. It’s just a matter of finding the time, and I think it would either come out in the summer of 2001 or possibly 2002. It would have been great to culminate the series and go right into the next big movie. I think there will be a year, or possibly two years in between."
Voltak halvány utalások a címre is, de azt elkevertem valahova. |