szilvatövis Creative Commons License 2022.04.12 0 0 42196

Hát de, Platon "leleplező" cikkének "leleplező" linkjén olvasható:


The US Agency for International Development (USAID) paid SpaceX for 1,333 Starlink terminals to send to Ukraine, according to a new report in the Washington Post, At a price of $1,500 per terminal, the government agency spent around $2 million for the hardware. SpaceX also sent an additional 3,667 terminals and delivered service to them.

But USAID also paid around $800,000 in transportation costs to deliver these terminals to Ukraine. In total, U.S. taxpayers paid SpaceX more than $3 million.


Tehát Musk küldött ingyen 3667 terminált és mind az ötezret ingyenesen használhatják.

Előzmény: tfe_tng (42195)