Mint irtam, ennek mar utanna neztem, be is tettem, de itt van egy forras a szamtalanbol Kinanak a Vörös Khmer fele törtenö tamgogatasara >
With Hanoi’s support, he and other defectors founded the Kampuchean United Front for National
Salvation (KUFNS) on December 2, 1978.12 Then on Christmas day that year, KUNFNS, 150,000
Vietnamese troops, and other anti-Khmer Rouge elements stormed into Cambodia and drove the
Khmer Rouge to Thailand’s borders (Richardson 2010). By January 7, 1979, Vietnam had taken
control of Phnom Penh, established a puppet regime called the “People’s Republic of Kampuchea”
(PRK), and stacked it with DK defectors. Vietnam’s invasion placed Cambodia under its tutelage
for the next ten years and pushed the Washington, which had its scores to settle with Hanoi, to join
Beijing-led isolation of the PRK and to support the Khmer Rouge.
After ten years, Vietnam’s occupation of Cambodia came to an end on September 26, 1989,
thanks to political breakthroughs within the Eastern bloc. In the late 1980s, Chinese President
Deng Xiaoping grew weary of the prolonged war in Cambodia and wanted to redirect resources to
his economic modernization program (Zhang 2015).
Kb a 38-39 oldaltol, es innen >