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Tatar-Mishars (Mozhar, Mochar)

In general, it should be noted that the Mishari Tatars were a military class.


Meshchera (Finno-Ugric) origin, the question of the Türkic belonging of the Tatar-Mishars...

a mescserek napneveiben is több kultúrhatás keveredik, és eltér a kazáni tatárok szavaitól

The "bear-hunting" of the Nizhny Novgorod Tatars, which existed until the 60s of the 19th century, also goes back to the traditions of the ancient Kipchaks. He came to the Meshchera Tatars from the Kipchak Turks, who considered playing with bears as one of the types of entertainment.

The Nizhny Novgorod Tatars have since ancient times cultivated their own traditional wrestling on sashes ("koryash") with the use of footboards, which differs from the fight of the Kazan Tatars. ... One thing is clear - it is a traditional sport among many Turkic peoples. As M.M.Sakhabutdinov and D.R.Sharafutdinov believe, the Tatar-Mishar fight is closer to the Yakut struggle (Kurdatsan-Tustuu or Hapsagai)


Előzmény: merigazoi (4210)