pici mici a pók Creative Commons License 2021.10.15 0 0 45

Kiderül hogy a nagy liberalis ikon volt alkotmánybírónő a fekete, Himnusz alatt létérdeplőket bírálta (ugyanúgy ahogy Trump, de mar előtte!) es akkor a libsi média KIVÁGTA a riportjából mert jaj az nem illett a nagy szent jogvédő női ikon képbe hogy lebunkózza a feketéket.  De ezt persze azert hogy a szemelyi kultuszat vedjek





  • The former Today show host reveals Ginsburg responded negatively when asked about people who kneel for the national anthem as a protest against racism
  • The published story did include quotes from the justice calling the gesture 'dumb and disrespectful' but omitted more controversial remarks
  • Ginsburg had also said that such protests showed 'contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life' 
  • '...which they probably could not have lived in the places they came from...as they became older they realize that this was youthful folly,' she added
  • Couric claims that Ginsburg, who was 83 at the time, was 'elderly and probably didn't fully understand the question' 
  • She admits she 'wanted to protect' Ginsburg and felt that the issue of racial justice was a 'blind spot' for her