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Chinese written sources also refer to the Hsiung-nu towns. Ssu-ma Th"ian refers to them in passing ("Hsiung-nu constructed a town for the keeping of grain"). Bat Ban Gu described more in detail. In "Han-shu", Chp. 70 there is the description of the capital of Tzi-tzi chanyou (chief). This description sounds like the construction of the Ivolga fortress.
One can see two contradictions:
- between the facts of archaeology and the written sources (an example is the contradiction between existence of the Ivolga fortress and the sentence, " the Hsiung-nu had no towns") and
- between the written sources themselves (the same phrase from "Historical Records" : "the Hsiung-nu had no towns" and the description of the capital of Tzi-tzi chanyou; Han-shu, 70).
it is precisely the Scythian-time burials of the south and south-west Manchuria, among all the sites of the Scythian period known at present in the east of the steppe zone, that manifest to the fullest extent the set of "proto-Hsiung-nu" characteristics. |