Ulrich_von_Lichtenstein Creative Commons License 2021.09.09 0 0 3895

És akkor nézzük a horvát koponyákat.


"The one without any skull modifications had ancestry from western Eurasia, the teen who had a heightened but still rounded skull had ancestry from the Near East, and the boy who had a very elongated skull had ancestry mainly from East Asia."


"For the first time now we have physical, biological evidence of the presence of East Asian people, probably the Huns, in this part of Europe, based on ancient DNA results," Novak says.


However, the exact homeland of the Huns is a matter of debate among archaeologists, and other scholars have suggested this group came not from East Asia but from north of the Black Sea."


És igen korrekt módon megjegyzi a tudós.


""I wouldn't say that we can say, based on ancient DNA, that this [person] is an Ostrogoth or this [person] is a Hun," Novak says. "It also depends on how people felt about themselves, which is quite subjective"—and fairly impossible to glean without written sources, which the Huns didn't leave."


Később arra is kitér, hogy a hunok is hozzájárulhattak a koponyatorzítás szokásának a terjesztéséhez. De nem csak ők ("It's possible that the Huns contributed to that, but they weren't the only ones.")


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Előzmény: pejiroi (3889)