és mivelh 26 is kevés neked
itt van még 3 fiú (2 kúpos koponya) horvátországból 415 - 560 között
Can DNA solve the mystery of Europe’s pointy skulls? (nationalgeographic.com)
Magyarország: 96 sir, 51 kúpos koponya, 430 - 470 között
úgy látszik, a jövendölések a kúpos koponyákról Magyarországon beértek 2020-ra...
470 CE, a site now called Mözs-Icsei dűlő was the burial ground of just such a settlement. Its 96 graves have been well documented, with work going back decades
This Hungarian Village Welcomed Skull-Shaping Immigrants as The Roman Empire Crumbled (sciencealert.com)
Roman and Hun style grave goods
lehet ellenőrizni, ázsiai v nem ázsiai
9 másik kúpos koponya, Magyarország
In the present work, 9 articially deformed skulls ex-cavated from two contemporaneous cemeteries dated to the Migration (Hun-Germanic) Period (5th–6th century) in northeastern Hungary were analyzed from a physi-cal anthropological point of view.
(PDF) Artificially deformed crania from the Hun-Germanic Period (5th-6th century ad) in northeastern Hungary: historical and morphological analysis (researchgate.net)
ez 2014-es mégis emliti a mözsi koponyákat a hun korból, amikről 2020-ban számol be a sajtó... illetve vannak avar koponyák is mözsön... ez egyre szövevényesebb
(PDF) Embertani adatközlés: Seregélyes, Tolna-Mözs (Avar kor) (researchgate.net)
ezt is mondtam már a bolgár tamgák kapcsán, h honnan jöttek ők...
Old Bulgarian necropolis No 1 near Devnja, Bulgaria found a grave (No 91), strikingly similar to these from the Amu Darya basin
+ bolgáriai - kaukázusi kapcsolat
Pit burials are predominant also in the large necropolis of the Bavtugaj ruins of stronghold, on the left bank of river Sulak. These data confirm the documentary evidence about the presence of a significant Proto-Bulgarian population in Northern Dagestan in VI-VII c. AD. But the newcomers did not settle down in empty lands. The burial grounds of the older local population, for example the rock tombs, continued to function, although objects of the new nomadic culture as well as artificially deformed skulls, began to appear in them as well. The active relations between the old and new population can be traced even clearer by the archaeological investigations of the permanent settlements in Dagestan, especially the settlements and the ruins of strongholds between the rivers Terek and Sulak.