2. ha arról van szó és oda mentek a magyarok, akkor a kijevet és környékét birtoklók tudta nélkül nem mehettek oda. már ha az a változat van, h keletről jőve mentek oda.
ha az a változat van, h kárpátmedencét elfoglalták és aztán mentek oda, akkor a mayar történelem egy másik agyonhallgatott szakaszát rúgja fel rendesen, h moldávia mellett a magyar törzsek még volynia-t is bírták.
3. "először"
From the second half of the XI century. before the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the Polovtsians made constant attacks on southern Russia. They devastated the land, seized livestock and property, and took prisoners. The Polovtsians made their attacks quickly and suddenly; Russian princes tried to recapture their captives and cattle when they returned to their steppe. Most of all suffered from them bordering Pereyaslavl, Kiev and Ryazan principalities, Porosye and Seversk land. Sometimes Russia ransomed its prisoners from the Polovtsians [47] [48].
Their first appearance at the Russian borders dates back to 1055. The Polovtsian Khan Bolush with a horde entered the boundaries of the Pereyaslavl principality and was met by the Pereyaslavl squad with Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich at the head. The meeting was held peacefully - after exchanging gifts, the parties went their own way. At that time, the Polovtsians were not yet looking for a military confrontation with the Russian principalities, as they continued to fight in the steppe with representatives of the local steppe peoples. But after a short time, the situation changed: in 1061 Vsevolod Yaroslavovich was defeated by Khan Iskal, the Pereyaslavl land was devastated. In September 1068, the Polovtsy defeated the Yaroslavich army in the battle on the Alta River and ravaged the border lands.
akkor lett komolyabb mozgolódás és találkoztak a fővezérek,
de ez se szentírás, h azért mert nem írtak (mások) róla, akkor nem lehetett, és amúgy is mondtam, h abban is tévedhetett h nem kunokról volt szó, és ez másodlagos részlet