Nagyon rosszul rémlik... 852 az első konkrét dátum a PVL-ben.
a történetek 900 után kezdenek részletesebbek lenni és 1100 körül végződnek, azaz 200 évvel későbbi a lejegyzés
ami meg le van jegyezve
In the year 6406 (898). The Ugrians walked past Kiev as a mountain, which is now called Ugorskaya, and came to the Dnieper, became vezhes: they walked the same way as the Polovtsians now do. And, coming from the east, they rushed through the great mountains, which are called Ugrian, and began to fight with those who lived there. After all, the Slavs sat here, and then the Volyn land was captured by the Volokhs. And after the Ugrians drove out the Volokhs, inherited that land and settled together with the Slavs, conquering them for themselves; and since then the land has been nicknamed Ugorskaya. And the Ugrians began to fight with the Greeks
Akkor Igor ~10 éves lehetett, és egyértelműen Oleg volt a fejedelem
Born 877, 878 or 888
Rurik remained in power until his death in 879. On his deathbed, Rurik bequeathed his realm to Oleg, who belonged to his kin, and entrusted to Oleg's hands his son Igor, for he was very young.
nem tudni mikor született, csak azt, h 879-ben nagyon fiatal volt
azért teszik 877-878-ra, de lehetett több is