Nemreg talaltam a neten ezt az infot:
A current theory is that there are two
branches of Jedi - those who believe in the
Living Force (Qui-Gon Jinn) and those
who believe in the Unifying Force
(Obi-Wan and Yoda.) Notice Yoda and
Obi-Wan never mention midichlorians.
This theory may also explain lightsabre
colors - green for Living, blue for
Unifying, red for Sith.
In Star Wars, the universal life energy of
the Force divides into two parts, the
unifying or cosmic Force and the living
Force. The living Force encompasses
intuition, compassion and connectedness
to other living things, and skills such as the
mind trick and healing. Qui-Gon Jinn is the
prime example of a user of the living
Force. "Be mindful of the living Force,
young Padawan."
In Star Wars, the universal life energy of
the Force is divided into the cosmic or
unifying Force and the living Force. The
cosmic Force encompasses knowledge of
the past and of the future, the ability to see
things across great distances, to move
objects with the mind, etc. Yoda is a great
cosmic Force master.
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