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George Lucas revealed some tidbits of info regarding Star Wars: Episode 2. Here’s what Lucas had to say regarding:
Stormtroopers "The reason why the stormtrooper army was created shall be told in Episode 2, but it becomes obvious to the Emperor that droids are of no use for fighting… This entire issue shall be explored fully in the next film. You shall learn why droid armies perform badly and evolve into stormtrooper armies." Obi-Wan "Obi-Wan is a developing character with little personal history at present. In Episode 2 his relationship with Anakin and the Queen shall be brought into focus over the course of a love story. Episode 2 is basically a love story set when Anakin is 20 and Amidala is 24.
It seems that Boba Fett will have a significant part in Episode II. Sources tell me that the Mandalorian Super Commandos, will invade Tatooine. Since Fett wears this type of armor, many believe this is where he will eneter the story. There is also supposed to be an epic battle on a planet called Concord dawn between Jedi and opposing forces. I have heard that it is arogance that Turns Anakin to the Dark Side, as he lets his success as a Jedi get to him, and is taken by the Dark Side. Finally, it seems that a Love Triangle between Anakin, Obi Wan, and Amidala may form.