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Why would anyone terrified of Prison and Bankruptcy accuse his Attorney General and the FBI of colluding in Massive Election Fraud ? - Because he wants to continue to destabilize the Biden Administration while preparing to run again in 2024 ? REALLY ? He wouldn’t be able to run for dog catcher if he was broke and in prison. This is a Con Man pure and simple. The only personal trait that exceeds his fear of failure is his fear of prison and the only way he can avoid prison and the total exposure and humiliation of poverty is to run away. His Only Option is to take his Political Asylum in Russia during the traditional Presidents Goodbye World Tour. In order to stay out of prison and avoid the humiliation of bankruptcy and poverty and still be able to motivate his base; he claims the election to be fraudulent and that his Attorney General and the FBI are in on it with the Democrats. There is no other way.
Bernard Madoff ‘America’s 2ND Greatest Con Man won’t get to meet Trump in Butner Federal Medium Security Prison in North Carolina. |