pici mici a pók Creative Commons License 2020.11.26 -2 0 33

Nem orbaoznunk hanem a seggnyalo Orban fanokat biraljuk akik idejottek ezt is kimagyarazni. Mert most epen vallasost jatszik es hat ha a BB-nel a vallasugyi foszerkeszto akkor vedeni kell.


Nesze gondolkozz rajta hogy milyen osszeeskuves szinten mukodik a BBC.




  • Andy Webb, the journalist who made the Channel 4 film, wrote in the Sunday Times that the BBC had released the documents to him at the last minute before his programme went to air, frustrating his attempts to get it included in the show.
  • He also said the corporation had denied for a third time having the crucial piece of paper from the member of the royal family: “We did ask the BBC FoI office another question. Remember that note from Diana? The get-out-of-jail-free card? Any joy finding that? Well, since you ask, no. When we said it had been lost, that was entirely accurate. It has somehow wafted into the waste bin of history. And no one even made a copy.”
  • On Friday he told the Guardian: “Fascinating that it has turned up, just in time for an inquiry. With the history of forgeries in this case, they’ll hopefully look at it very closely indeed.”
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