pici mici a pók
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Ime a nagy Bidennak kampanyolo aki rohogott a 200 ezer halottan hogy Isten ajandeka...
Es a kreten Repik nem ezt nyomjak mindenutt, Trump se hozta elo. Bukjon akkor meg ha ilyen barom!
- Actress and activist Jane Fonda has already cast her vote for the 2020 presidential election, but that hasn’t stopped her from feeling like she’s on “pins and needles” ahead of Nov. 3 as she encourages people not to lose momentum before Election Day.
- The 82-year-old also shared encouraging news about the more than 22 million Americans who have already cast their vote, putting the country on a trajectory that could lead to “a record 150 million votes may be cast and turnout rates could be higher than in any presidential election since 1908.” Positive election news, however, isn’t putting all of Fonda’s anxiety at ease as she also reflected on the overwhelming uncertainty surrounding the country amid a pandemic and a rise in crime. Still, she called on people to cast a ballot for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris in an effort to ease existing tensions.
- “We have to make sure that Biden/Harris are elected and that, given some time and respite from the hate mongering and divisiveness the welcome mat will be pulled back from the militias and the selfishness and irresponsibility of the anti-maskers will be better understood,” Fonda wrote.
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