pici mici a pók Creative Commons License 2020.10.17 -1 1 6

A magyar mediaban se nagy hire erdekesen...





That the First Amendment right of free speech is inapplicable to these questions goes without saying. That constitutional guarantee restricts the actions of governments, not private corporations such as Facebook and Twitter.

But glibly pointing this out does not come close to resolving this controversy. That actions by gigantic corporations are constitutional does not mean that they are benign.


State censorship is not the only kind of censorship. Private-sector repression of speech and thought, particularly in the internet era, can be as dangerous and consequential. Imagine, for instance, if these two Silicon Valley giants united with Google to declare: henceforth we will ban all content that is critical of President Trump and/or the Republican Party, but will actively promote criticisms of Joe Biden and the Democrats. 


Would anyone encounter difficultly understanding why such a decree would constitute dangerous corporate censorship? Would Democrats respond to such a policy by simply shrugging it off on the radical libertarian ground that private corporations have the right to do whatever they want? To ask that question is to answer it.





Just weeks ago, executives from both Twitter and Facebook joined Biden’s transition team.


The executives include Twitter public policy director Carlos Monje, whose role with the Biden team has not been specified — but Monje previously worked for both Hillary Clinton’s transition team and for President Barack Obama before transitioning to Twitter, Politico reported in September. Now he’s back to working directly for Democrats.


The other new member to join Biden’s team from Big Tech is Facebook’s Jessica Hertz, who will serve as general counsel to oversee ethical issues, according to an Oct. 1 New York Post report.

That’s very concerning, to say the least. One has to wonder if someone in the Biden camp is asking Big Tech to censor certain content.