Jorgoszoh Creative Commons License 2020.09.12 -3 0 26353

Listening today to Trump brag — “I saved his ass!” — referring to how he, Trump, protected the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia after the Prince had a columnist for the Washington Post murdered — this is chilling to hear on this, the anniversary of 15 Saudi hijackers murdering 2,977 people in NYC, DC and PA.

On 9/11/2001, 15 Saudis led a devastating attack on the United States. Let me state the obvious: If 15 Iranians had committed this heinous act on that day, I can assure you that the government and the media would have declared that IRAN had attacked the United States - and they’d be right. Or if it had been 15 Chinese nationals who hijacked the planes — “CHINA DID IT!” But 19 years later no one will state the obvious regarding the Saudis — who had their “ass saved” by George W Bush.


The day after 9/11, with all the planes grounded, Bush, whose family had long, close, personal and business ties to the Saudi royal family and to the Bin Laden family, allowed all of Osama bin Laden’s relatives and a bunch of Saudi royals living in the US to flee the country via private jets before the FBI could question them, before any investigation could be conducted. No questions must be asked!

15 years ago, my crew and I investigated all of this and put it in a documentary — “Fahrenheit 9/11.” Americans wanted the truth. Millions learned then through this film that Bush was indeed saving the ass of the Saudis. (a side note: this film can now be seen for free on Showtime On Demand)

The hearts of the families of the 9/11 dead remain broken — broken because their President & his father colluded with the Saudi royals in business, with the bin Ladens in business and because he, George W. Bush, ignored his own NSA director’s warning one month before 9/11 that Osama bin Laden is “planning to attack the US with planes.” Shame!


And now the current President, (who has also proudly spent his time in office “saving the ass” of the current Saudi leader), instead of protecting the America people when his NSA director told him - in January! - that Covid-19 is “the greatest national security threat” — he then stood down and knowingly allowed 200,000 Americans to die! That’s sixty-seven 9/11s! That’s murder In the extreme. No American, other than Confederate President Jefferson Davis and his General, Robert E. Lee, has killed more Americans than Donald J. Trump. And you can say that Trump didn’t actually kill them with his own hands, and I can tell you, for a fact, that Osama bin Laden did not fly a single one of those goddamned planes.


Trump is a mass killer.


Just 53 days until this bastard gets to hear the verdict of the American people, whose collective heart, now crushed, will rise.