Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2020.08.18 0 0 26125



  • Michael Moore, just now on MSNBC, said he was “shocked” that Biden didn’t “swing to the right” and pick Susan Rice, and instead “swung to the left” and picked Kamala Harris.


  • Top DNC Speaker Susan Molinari Made Millions Lobbying For Russia, Federal Records Show. The lobbying firm run by former Rep. Susan Molinari and its business partner received nearly $2.5 million in just one six-month period in 2008 to “cover fees and expenses for providing services for the benefit of the Russian Federation.”


  • “If you missed Michelle Obama’s speech don’t worry, Melania will deliver the same speech at next week’s RNC” (J. Fallon)


  • M.O. She sounded like a wounded citizen. She sounded like a woman in pain. (She is homesick? She missed the WH mac and cheese.)