rocky reloaded Creative Commons License 2020.06.25 -3 4 25809

Öcsisajt, info csak neked az USA-ból:


“As for the Tulsa rally, I saw plenty of empty seats esp. in upper bleachers.”


One explanation for why the room wasn’t full is that the Mayor of Tulsa imposed a curfew on Tulsa the night before the rally took place, fearing anarchists were going to come to Tulsa to disrupt the Trump rally, which meant that all the people who had been camped outside the arena for days waiting to get in, had to pack up and leave the area, and others who weren’t there saw what was happening and didn’t know how long the curfew was going to last, and so they all went home and decided to watch it on television.

The Fox News Channel was the only tv outlet that carried the full Trump rally. The other networks were only interested in showing that the arena was not full and did not cover the speeches or anything important. Only what was important to them: Empty seats.

As such, Fox New Channel had 7.7 million viewers for Trump’s rally which is a record number of viewers for a Saturday night on Fox, since they started broadcasting in 1996, and in addition, about 4 million more viewed the event on the internet. So Trump didn’t fill the arena but he set new records on Fox and online."


Hányan is voltak kíváncsiak a senile Joe "szenzációs" kampánygyülésére? Mint a szegény agyalágyult Bauer Tomika egyszemélyes sajttája a XII.ker önkormányzat elött mint választási gyülés a legutóbbi magyar parlamenti választások elött.

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